Menstrual cycles affect women in different ways. Some experience heavy flow and uncomfortable cramping, while others go about their normal routines as if nothing was happening. You may not feel like doing your usual exercise routine during your menstrual cycle, but staying active can help you feel better. Regular exercise may even make your next menstrual period less unpleasant.
Dealing With Cramps(解决疼痛)
Exercise releases endorphins, which can help you relax. Exercise also stretches muscles associated with cramping, easing the pain. Start out slowly by taking a walk. Then try some easy stretches. Some people enjoy doing yoga to ease cramps. Pelvic tilts, which stretch the muscles of the pelvis and lower back, may also help relieve cramps. Others find riding a bicycle or dancing helps them loosen up and feel better. Avoid lifting heavy weights, swimming in water thats over your head or any activity that seems to make your cramps worse.
Exercise and PMS
Regular exercise can help alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, or PMS. Khalid Wali Bibi of the University of Connecticut oversaw a study in 1994 of 45 women who suffered from PMS. The women participated in low and moderate levels of aerobic exercise for three months. Both groups reported a significant decrease in their PMS symptoms over the course of the study, compared to women in a control group who didnt exercise. The women in the experiment exercised three times a week for 45 minutes each session.
(常规的运动能缓解经前综合症,康涅狄格大学的Khalid Wali Bibi 在1994年用45个患有经前综合症的妇女做了一个实验。参加持续三个月的温和的、低消耗的有氧运动。两个对照组证明,运动的比不运动的,经前综合症有大幅度减轻。每次运动持续45分钟,一周3次)
Adjusting Your Routine
You may need to adjust your exercise routine for the first day or so of your period. If your usual workout makes you uncomfortable, switch to a different routine, such as stretching or walking. If you worry about spotting due to heavy flow, use a tampon and a pad or liner for extra protection. You may feel heat or cold more intensely during your period, so add an extra layer to your exercise wear in the winter and opt for an air conditioned gym instead of and outdoor track in hot weather. Drink extra water, since blood loss can dehydrate you faster.
A regular program of vigorous exercise can delay the onset of menses in girls, or lead to a cessation of menstruation in women.
Studies by Dr. Rose Fritsch of Harvard Medical School found delayed menses in female ballet dancers and runners, particularly if they began training before onset of menses. Dr. Fritsch believes the delay is due to a decrease in body fat in these female athletes. She calculated that you need at least 17 percent body fat for reproduction. If you dont have enough fat to support a pregnancy, the body responds by stopping menstruation so you cant get pregnant. Most women have between 25 and 28 percent body fat. But scientists arent certain if body fat reduction alone is to blame for an interruption of menstruation in some female athletes, as increased endorphin levels or fluctuations in thyroid hormone may also play a role. For most women, their cycles return to normal when they cease heavy training.
American College of Sports Medicine: Safe Exercise for WomenMcKesson Health Solutions: Dy *** enorrhea; 2003"Dissertations Collection for University of Connecticut"; The effects of aerobic exercise on premenstrual syndrome symptoms; Khalid Walid Bibi; January 1995