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admin 好物 2022-11-29 11:51:29 427 0



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The other thing I’ll say is that if youre creating company or if youre joining company, the most important thing is to attract great people. So either join a group thats amazing that you really respect, or If you’re building a company, youve got to gather people. I mean, all the company is a group of people that are gathered together to create a product or service. And so depending upon how talent and hard-working that group is and the degree to which they are focused cohesively in a good direction that will determine the success of the company. 我要说的另外一点是,如果你要创建一家公司,或是加入一家公司,最重要的一点是吸引吸很棒的人。加入团体的话,你要加入让你尊敬的美妙团队。创建公司公司的话,你要聚集一群很棒的人。我的意思是,所有的公司就是一群人聚集在一起创造出产品或服务。这群人本领越大,工作越努力,凝聚力越强目标越明确,公司越有可能成功。

So do everything you can to gather great people. If youre creating a company, then to focus on signal over noise. A lot of companies get confused that they spend money on things that dont actually make the product better. 如果你要创立公司,你需要尽一切可能网罗更优秀的人。下面一点是撇除噪音,专注于信号。很多公司感到困惑的是,他们把钱花不到能改进产品的地方。

So for example at Tesla, weve never spent any money on advertising. we put all of the money into R&D and manufacturing and design to try to make the car as good as possible. And I think thats the way to go. For any given company, just keep thinking about are these efforts that people are spending? Are they resulting in a better product or service? If theyre not stop those efforts? 比如说特斯拉,我们从来没有在广告上花过钱。我们把所有的钱都投入到研发、制造和设计中,努力让汽车变得更好。我认为公司就应该这样。对于任何公司,在任何时候都需要不断思考,人们花这么多精力做的事,是否能够让产品或服务变得更好?如果不能,就停止这些尝试?

And then the final thing is dont just follow the trends. you may have heard me say it’s good to think in terms of the physics approach from first principles, which is rather than reasoning by *** ogy, you boil things down to the most fundamental truths you can imagine, and you reason up from there.最后我要讲的是,不要跟随潮流。你可能听我说过,这里可以类比从基本原理出发的物理方法,也就是说,不要人云亦云。你应当将事物归结为最根本的事实上,然后从根本上进行推理。

And this is a good way to figure out if something really makes sense, or its just whatever somebody else is doing. its hard to think that way. you cant think that way about everything It takes a lot of effort. but if youre trying to do something new, its the best way to think. And that framework was developed by physicists to figure out counterintuitive things, like quantum mechanics. 这是一种很好的方法,某个想法是否真的行得通。而不是别人说行,那就可行。这确实很难,你不能对每件事都这么想,这需要付出很多精力。不过在创新的时候,这无疑是更好的思考方式,物理学界也正是通过这种框架,推导出各种不可思议的理论,例如量子力学。

So its really a powerful method. and so thats, and then I think that the final thing I will encourage you to do is: Now is the time to take risk. You dont have kids, your obligations or something. Probably not, of course,. but as you get older, your obligations increase. and once you have a family, you start taking risk, not just for yourself, but for your family as well. It gets much harder to do things that might not work out. So now it’s the time to do that before you have those obligations. So I want to encourage you to take risks and to do something bold. You wont regret it. Thank you.这无疑是一个强有力的方法。我想,我还有一点建议要送给你们,趁着年轻,勇于冒险。你没有小孩,你们的责任,或其他事情,但是随着年龄的增长,你的责任也会增长。一旦你有了家庭,你再去冒险,承担风险的就不是你一个人,而是你全家。要去冒险,做一些可能不会成功的事情难度可能会更大。在没有这些责任之前,做这样冒险的事负担会比较少。所以我鼓励大家勇于去冒险,胆子大一些,你不会后悔的。

Thank you! 谢谢!

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